Brushing and Flaming Tunnels

Machinery for Swine Slaughter Lines

Slaughtering machines - Brushing / Flaming Tunnels - tunnel spazzolatura suini

Brushing Tunnel

with vertical rollers
Slaughtering machines - Brushing / Flaming Tunnels - tunnel spazzolatura suini

Brushing Tunnel

with horizontal rollers

Swine Brushing

Brushing tunnels for the slaughter of pigs, available in two types, with vertical rollers and with horizontal rollers.

this slaughtering machines has the function of eliminating, through an automatic cycle, the residual hair after the pig's dehairing operation. The animal enters the tunnel, hanging from an overhead rail system, with its head downwards. Synthetic “whips” remove residual bristles. The operation is aided by jets of water automatically dispensed from top and side nozzles.

Technical data:
The rotation of the translation rotor of the swine is determined by the hydraulic motor with gear train.

  • Structure: AISI 304 stainless steel
  • Dimensions: “made-to-measure” according to specific production requirements. 4 brushing shafts, driven by 4 gear motors
  • Approximate weight: Kg 1320
  • Water supply: 2 x 1’’ gas connections (32 nozzles)

Swine Flaming

Construction of state-of-the-art flaming tunnels, designed “made-to-measure” according to specific production requirements.

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